Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is among the most recognizable monuments around the world. It’s located in Paris, the capital of France and was designed by Gustav Eiffel. It was made out of iron and steel. It was commissioned to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution and was supposed to only be temporary. Once people began to visit Paris, people began to identify the city with it and still remains today. It was also meant to be used for the world exposition.

I chose the Eiffel Tower because of the impression it left in my mind. It was mind boggling for me to understand how it was built with the technology from the period. Furthermore, I admire the steel and iron work that was put in to the tower. I also thought it was interesting that it has multiple purposes. I added it to my collection because it represents the rise of Modernism at its best. 

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