Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Thinker

There are many copies of the Thinker displayed around the world, but the original is located in the Rodin Museum in Paris. The reason for having several copies because it’s made out of bronze. Rodin was one of the most prominent Impressionist sculptors, although he disliked being categorized. Rodin is considered an impressionist sculptor because he wanted to observe the manner in which light was reflected on the surface. In order to achieve the light’s reflection on bronze, the surface had to be uneven. The Thinker represents Impressionist sculpture because of the different textures on the surface.

I decided to add this piece to my collection because Rodin is one of my favorite artists from the Impressionists. I have seen the Thinker in person at the Norton Simon Museum and in Paris and enjoyed being able to observe the different directions of light on the surface. The Thinker is highly recognizable around the world and is often mimic. Upon learning the purpose of the piece I fell in love with it even more.

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