Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Arnolfini Marriage

This piece by Van Eyck is currently being displayed in the National Gallery located in London. The Arnolfini Marriage has an extreme amount of symbolism because it’s Northern European. As far as symbolism goes, the woman’s hairline represented her higher up bringing, the dog represents fidelity, the fruits represented wealth and fertility, the shoes represent domesticity. There is one vanishing point. This piece’s main significance is that it could be used as a legal document because it depicts the marriage occurring.

I first saw this piece in my European History class and never paid much attention to it until this year. I fell in love with it after going into depth during art history this last year. I love staring and the amount of detail Van Eyck used in this piece. I also adore the vibrant colors, and use of symbolism in Northern European art. I chose this piece for my collection because it is one of my five favorite pieces. It’s extremely realistic, and is also used as a legal document. What is there not to love about this piece?

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