Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Saint Matthew Lindisfarne Gospel

The Saint Matthew Lindisfarne Gospel is currently being displayed in the British Library located in London. In this piece we see Saint Mathew writing a book. His feet seem like they are floating which was a convention tracing back from the Byzantium period. The drapery is rigid and he seems to be detached from the background. We also see a second figure in the back peaking through the curtain. The story behind this depicting was that an angel had told Mathew to write the book.

I decided on this piece because I enjoy analyzing different carpet pages. I also enjoyed studying this period due to the illuminated manuscripts which I first came across during my trip to the LA Getty Museum during my Freshman year. I also enjoy looking at the Latin written in the Gospels because what we now have are printed texts in our vernacular language and not one that is common for every region.

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