Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Milk Maid

The Milkmaid by Vermeer is currently being displayed in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Vermeer was known for voyeurism, meaning that the viewer is interrupting and looking into a scene. Is depicts a moment in time, and there is only one direction of light which is typical of Vermeer. The theme relates to domestic life. He often used a yellow and blue color pallet which are complimentary to each other on the color wheel. His women are often soft spoken and his pieces give a sense tranquility to the viewer.

Vermeer is one of my favorite artists and I particularly like the fact that he uses the same color pallet and gives tranquility to the viewer. I also enjoy his pieces because there’s only one direction of light, the themes are always the same, and because the viewer is interrupting the scene. He is predictable which has led me to really enjoy his works.

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