Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nike of Samothrace

Nike of Samothrace is currently displayed at the Louvre museum in Paris, France. She is a perfect conveyor of the Greek Hellenistic conventions. She represents victory, which is why the brand Nike has a “V” as their logo. The artistic depicted the wind breaking into her wing with extreme drama, which was typically of the Hellenistic conventions. Along with the drama captured in her wings are also the dramatic folds in the drapery. If viewed from the side, we can further see the amount of drama in the wings. Moreover, the contrapposto is displayed in a more dramatic manner.

I selected Nike because it was the first piece I saw when I entered the Louvre. Her presence at the top of the staircase was astounding. She left a permanent impression in my mind because of her size and drama. Upon learning about her in class, she remained on of my favorite sculptures in the course of Art History.

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